The pictures speak for themselves, and as for the script the sensitive may want to skip these quotes: 'Stretch me' / 'I'm a little slut' / 'F*** this Southern whore' / 'You wore my p**** out.' What followed was one of the most grim and grotty audiovisual experiences I've ever had in the medium. Thanks to Twitter I knew that being serviced in first-person was an option, so of course did it. One of the things about GTA is that it's so immersive you forget you're playing GTA - until a prompt such as 'press d-pad right to beckon prostitute' pops up.
She said something about how nice my car was. One evening, cruising as Franklin, I clocked a prostitute and out of professional curiosity (I promise) pulled over. The sun fading over mountains, random fights between pedestrians and - at night - you can feel the whole vibe of the city change. My favourite thing to do in GTA is drive nowhere in particular.