Victory here will earn you credits that let you unlock new maps, armour sets, squadmates and enemies.Ĭitadel's final act is especially good. If you haven't played the first two games, or don't especially care for Mass Effect's weird band of space-rangers, then much of what makes Citadel special will be lost, but even if you strip away the nostalgia this is a varied, well-paced slice of DLC.Ĭombat encounters initially lack variety – enemies are little more than reskinned Cerberus agents – but when you get access to the new entertainment zone you can test your fighting skills in an addictive ladder of combat challenges. It's affectionate and playful – frivolous, almost.' The in-jokes flow thick and fast, and they're genuinely funny. Tali yearns for an air conditioning unit for her environmental suit. Later, Garrus makes a joke about calibrating things. When your entire crew get the chance to leave the Normandy and go on a mission together for the first time, there's a spree of smart-arsed quips from your crew. The celebratory action hero entrances your crew receive are mediated by a persistent self-deprecating streak. It's affectionate and playful – frivolous, almost.